Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I am so grateful for...

1. My husband who treats me with respect and talks to me with kindness. We make decisions together and he is my very best friend. I am figuring out that not everyone is this blessed.

2. Jeb and Griffin who are growing up to be amazing men! They are kind and polite and I never have to worry when taking them anywhere. They always receive compliments for being well behaved.

3. Neil and Kate and the great few days we shared with them. They are the most wonderful parents and friends. I feel especially close to both of them and can't believe how we laughed so hard the entire time.

4. Ashley who is an wonderful sister in law. She is sweet and fun and I admire her ability to balance work and the new baby. She is great!

5. The surprise that came in the mail yesterday! Prayers and positive thinking can make huge changes and bring about miracles.

6. The struggle we went through this weekend and the fresh mindset that came of it. No matter how hurt or angry we were from what was said, we can move on from here to a new effective place.

7. My mom for her positive outlook and prayers on our behalf. Everyone needs a mom that prays!

8. My brother Rick and his kindness, his good heart, and willingness to listen.

9. For the amazing, organic, vegan cookies we ate last night. Oh and for this wonderful new vice we now have. :)

10. That we can be and do anything. ALL things are possible.

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