Monday, June 7, 2010

school year wrap up.

Summer is here and I am so head over heels in love with this laid back time of year! It has been 5 days of swimming, s'mores, movies, and lots of hanging out together as a family. But before it gets too far into the summer, I want to jot down a few things that I don't want to forget about the school year.

  • Jeb's amazing year as a fourth grader. He had an incredible teacher, Mr. Hoshibata, who was very patient yet pushed him to be the best he could. Jeb went from being a B, C student to being an A, B student and the Vice President of his class.

  • Griffin had to roll with the punches this year! He started off second grade in a great class with lots of friends and a sweet teacher, and was moved to another class within the first week. The school saw a huge jump in the student population and hired new teachers to deal with the over crowding. Because Griffin is a great student, they felt he would be a good candidate to move to another class with a new teacher. He was wonderful and finished off the year with straight A's for the 4th consecutive year (his entire academic career!). He also received the "Ideal Student Award" and was the only student in his class to be on the A Honor Roll.

  • Nevada Quest! Holy Mackerel what a huge project! It is the equivalent of a 4th grader's thesis. There were so many parts to it, and it took alot of time and energy out of Jeb ( and mom). We saw many late nights trying to complete everything, but he got it done and received an A. Way to go!

  • Field Days! Mr. Shenkberger, Goolsby's P.E. teacher, makes Field Day an event to look forward to all year! The kids participate in tons of sports, races, games, and obstacle courses and always have a blast. The cotton candy station was a big hit too!

  • Trunk or treat, class birthday parties, holiday parties, and just regular Fridays are some of my most favorite times to be a mom. It is so fun to see the kids interact with each other. Their school makes these special occasions so fun and lots of memories are made.

  • Griffin and a buddy at Halloween.

    Jeb and a friend at Halloween.

  • Night in Venice- The great festival that Goolsby does every year. There is always lots of good food, games, friends, Italian sodas (my favorite!), and basket raffles. Who could forget that this was the year that the boys won the HUGE Lego basket full of every Lego imaginable. It was like Christmas!

  • End of the year parties- both Jeb and Griffin's classes know how to party! Jeb had a big pot luck with pizza, cake, snacks, and soda. Mr. Hoshibata's parties are great because he just lets the kids hang out. Griff's class had a very cute play followed by hot dogs and nachos. Both were so much fun!

I know next year will bring many more memories, friends, and fun. We are blessed to have a great school, dedicated teachers, and wonderful friends! Now, let summer begin!

1 comment:

jacksonfamiliatwins said...

Cute pics! We'll miss seeing you guys this summer! Happy birthday tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!