Monday, May 27, 2013

spring concert '13.

Jeb had his middle school band concert last week. His band did really well. It is so much fun to see him play his trumpet. The talent that these kids have and the ability of the director to orchestrate such a great performance always amazes me.
 Jeb wasn't sure that band was what he wanted to do next year. He picked some different electives and my heart sank. I didn't tell him that, though.  This was one of those moments of growth where I knew the choice had to be his without influence from me. I savored every second of that concert thinking it was probably his last. But something amazing happened. Somewhere in the days of practice, Jeb remembered how much he loves playing and changed his mind. I think some words of encouragement from his teacher helped too. I am so excited for him, and for me! Here's to one more year of band!

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